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Guessing Colours
Guessing Shapes
for Parents
Activities for Kids
Guessing Colours
Guessing Shapes
for Parents
Activities for Kids
Clap your hands - Learn numbers with color balloons
Pretend Play
Singing Videos
Itsy Bitsy Spider
Car Videos
Lovely Animals
Clap your hands song - Learn numbers with color balloons
Twinkle Twinkle Little Star - There’s school tomorrow, it’s time to go to bed! Mommy and Daddy takes Henry and David to bed
The Baby Lisa is riding her bike and she wants to play on the slides
Ten in the bed - Sam and Mary are in the bed with their toys, and one by one they fall out after rolling over!
Clap your hands - Follow the family dance
No No Song - Henry and David are playing with their sister, but she asks herself: Where are all here hiding? Peek a boo! I got you, I love you!
Baby Shark song - Discover the ocean with the Shark Family
Food Song - Eating healthy home-made food is a really good alternative to live happy! Share this life style with you family!
Learn colors with large colorful surprise eggs
The Finger family (superheroes theme) - Flash, Princesses, Captain America and more!
Bingo song - Baby Ronaldo meets Bingo The Puppy
Chu Chu Ua song - Henry and David having fun at home dancing the Chu Chu Ua with family and friends!
Help Song - Helping is really nice and fun, just as Henry and David would say, so try to help every one!
The Finger Family song - Henry and David playing the guitar and singing with mom, dad and sister
Hello, what’s your name? - Rombo The elefant gets to know with Mary and her brothers and parents at the park and they play together